Vine Poultry Farm

Clarke Group Construction Ltd completed the construction of eight clear span steel framed poultry sheds at Vine Farm, Baldock in July 2016. The project was managed by Clarke Group from the very beginning; from initial designs, right to handover of the finished structures.
On arrival, the site was agricultural land but now comprises of an eight-shed poultry site that is heated with wood chip bio-mass. The finished build also includes a GP block providing office space, a kitchen, class room, viewing gallery and welfare facilities. The gallery has been built alongside the sheds to help with educating individuals about poultry farming; including how they are run and how welfare for the birds is provided.
‘From the conception of the idea to the completion of project Clarke Group were fantastic to deal with – nothing was ever too much trouble.
Prior to planning even being received, Clarke’s invested a lot of time into assisting with and contributing to formulating of the design plans to achieve the layout that we wanted. This in itself was priceless, there were never ending changes that were always actioned very quickly and accurately.
The ground works started on the 1st Nov 2015 and by the 3rd of January 2016 the first footing for the biomass building were laid. The site was managed well throughout. There was a seamless transition; as one shed was completed they would move onto the next, with the other trades following closely behind. The weather throughout provided some very challenging conditions, but despite these the first birds were in the sheds by 4th July 2016. This we thought was fantastic for an 8-shed site to be completed in 8 months from start to finish.’
Ed Wainright-Lee of A.E & W.A Farr Ltd
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